Pro Vice-Chancellor's Message

I am privileged to become part of an institution which is brining a real change in the life of students, research culture, stake holders and poor livestock farmers. I am impressed to note that there are three faculties in a very short span of time in southern Punjab. CUVAS will be emerging as future hub of technologies related to animal and veterinary sciences. In real sense, paradigm has been shift in regional livestock sector since more than last one century which drove it not only to cater the diverse and volatile needs of trained and qualified human resources in veterinary and animal sciences and industries but also for poverty reduction, rural and urban development especially in southern Punjab. This is evidentt by the fact that Livestock is contributing 58 percent to the Agricultural GDP of the Pakistan.

Now, CUVAS is developing collaboration with the national/international educational and research institutes to keep the academia, students, stakeholders abreast with the latest developments and techniques in the veterinary and animal sciences. I expect that the Vice-Chancellor, faculty, management will make more concerted efforts and explore untapped avenues to achieve higher HEC ranking in the coming years. I wish every best of luck for this university.


Professor Dr. Mazhar Ayaz
Pro Vice-Chancellor