About University |
Objectives / Importance
- To exploit potential of livestock resources of Cholistan and Southern Punjab.
- To establish a state of the art institution catering the needs of South Punjab for education, research, disease diagnostics, trainings and keeping pace with innovations in the livestock, poultry, wildlife and allied sectors.
- To undertake extension activities in the allied discipline to benefit the communities by higher knowledge and expertise and skilled human resource.
- To cater needs of industry and trade to produce and export safe and healthy livestock products.
Academic Components
- 03 Faculties
- 18 Departments
- 02 Institutes
- 01 Teaching Hospitals
Academic Detail
- Faculty of Bio-sciences
- Anatomy & Histology
- Physiology and Bio-Chemistry
- Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Food Sciences
- Zoology
- Social & Allied Sciences
- Computer Science
- Management Science
- Faculty of Animal Production and Technology
- Animal Nutrition
- Livestock Management
- Poultry Sciences
- Breeding & Genetics
- Meat Technology
- Faculty of Veterinary Science
- Pathology
- Parasitology
- Microbiology
- Theriogenology
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Epidemiology & Public Health
Cholistan Institute of Bussiness Administration
- Bussiness Administration
- Teaching and Research Centers
- Dairy Animals
- Beef Animals
- Sheep and Goat
- Camel
- Pet and Wildlife
- Poultry
- Hospitals
- Pet & Wild Animal Hospital
- Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- Institute of Continuing Education & Ext.
Degree Programs:
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
- BS Applied Microbiology
- BS Medical Laboratory Technology
- BS Food Science & Technology
- BS Zoology
- BS Biochemistry
- BS Biological Sciences
- BS Zoology 5th Semester Intake
- BS Computer Science
- Bachelor of Business Administration (4 years)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (2 years)
- BS Animal Sciences
- BS Poultry Science
- BS Chemistry
- BS Biotechnology
- MS Business Administration
- M.Phil Biochemistry
- M.Phil Food Sciences & Technology
- M.Phil Poultry Science
- M.Phil Zoology
- M.Phil Animal Nutrition
- M.Phil Livestock Management
- M.Phil Microbiology
- M.Phil Fisheries & Aquaculture.
- Ph.D Zoology.
- Livestock Assistant Diploma
- Poultry Assistant Diploma
- Short Courses/Trainings