Chancellor's Message |
The Livestock Sector is cobtributing approximately 55.1 percent of the value added agriculture, 11.6 percent to national GDP and 40 percent to the income of the farmers. Majority of the livestock owners are poor people living in the villages. Our primary focus in rural areas will help in poverty reduction, leading to prosperous Pakistan. The major components of livestock production that need further support and improvement remain breeding, health, feeding, marketing and, above all, generation of trained manpower. Human resource development in various disciplines will help to reduce the import of desired products and save huge amounts of foreign exchange. It is a moral and professional obligation of the teachers, scientsts, extension workers, planners and all other stakeholders related to the veterinary and animal sciences to jointly rise to the present times, meet the challenges and help the Country achieve food self sufficiency and social security. I am very pleased to observe the progress made by the University during a short time span. The Vice Chancellor aided with an able faculty and management has provided a very motivated leadership, the Government has helped the University, the faculty has been very progressive and the students are keen to learn. While congratulating the Vice Chancellor and his team for achieving great success during this year, I am confident that the University will continue its progress in the same manner and strengthen its activities.
Sardar Saleem Haider Khan |