About University

Objectives / Importance

  • To exploit potential of livestock resources of Cholistan and Southern Punjab.
  • To establish a state of the art institution catering the needs of South Punjab for education, research, disease diagnostics, trainings and keeping pace with innovations in the livestock, poultry, wildlife and allied sectors.
  • To undertake extension activities in the allied discipline to benefit the communities by higher knowledge and expertise and skilled human resource.
  • To cater needs of industry and trade to produce and export safe and healthy livestock products.

Academic Components

  • 03 Faculties               
  • 18 Departments                      
  • 02 Institutes
  • 01 Teaching Hospitals

Academic Detail

  1. Faculty of Bio-sciences
    1. Anatomy & Histology
    2. Physiology and Bio-Chemistry
    3. Pharmacology & Toxicology
    4. Food Sciences
    5. Zoology
    6. Social & Allied Sciences
    7. Computer Science
    8. Management Science
  2. Faculty of Animal Production and Technology
    1. Animal Nutrition
    2. Livestock Management
    3. Poultry Sciences
    4. Breeding & Genetics
    5. Meat Technology
  3. Faculty of Veterinary Science
    1. Pathology
    2. Parasitology
    3. Microbiology
    4. Theriogenology
    5. Medicine
    6. Surgery
    7. Epidemiology & Public Health
  4. Cholistan Institute of Bussiness Administration

    1. Bussiness Administration
  5. Teaching and Research Centers
    1. Dairy Animals    
    2. Beef Animals
    3. Sheep and Goat
    4. Camel
    5. Pet and Wildlife
    6. Poultry
  1. Hospitals
    1. Pet & Wild Animal Hospital
    2. Veterinary Teaching Hospital
    3. Institute of Continuing Education & Ext.

Degree Programs:

  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
  • BS Applied Microbiology
  • BS Medical Laboratory Technology
  • BS Food Science & Technology
  • BS Zoology
  • BS Biochemistry
  • BS Biological Sciences
  • BS Zoology 5th Semester Intake
  • BS Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (4 years)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (2 years)
  • BS Animal Sciences
  • BS Poultry Science
  • BS Chemistry
  • BS Biotechnology
  • MS Business Administration
  • M.Phil Biochemistry
  • M.Phil Food Sciences & Technology
  • M.Phil Poultry Science
  • M.Phil Zoology
  • M.Phil Animal Nutrition
  • M.Phil Livestock Management
  • M.Phil Microbiology
  • M.Phil Fisheries & Aquaculture.
  • Ph.D Zoology.
  • Livestock Assistant Diploma
  • Poultry Assistant Diploma
  • Short Courses/Trainings