Department of Pathology |
INTRODUCTION The Department of Pathology at Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences is a major sub-discipline in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences since 2018. This Department not only gives an in-depth knowledge to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students at undergraduate level but also plays an important role in offering the undergraduate B.S. Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) program. The newly emerging field of Medical Laboratory Technology will equip the human hospitals with skilled professionals specifically trained for diagnostic laboratories jobs throughout the country. Pathology is the study of the process of disease, and it plays a major role in every aspect of health and medicine, therefore our expertise are wide and our roles are diverse. We can be found at the microscope consulting with clinicians about diagnostic changes and we see in tissues or cells of an ailing dog. In the field we dissect a dead animal, in order to find the cause of death and help the farmer protect the rest of the herd. We can be found in the laboratory, performing experiments to further understand the disease and develop preventions or cures. In classrooms we introduce veterinary students to the concepts of diseases, and facilitate their foundational understanding of mechanisms of disease. Our Department works with species of all varieties - fin, feather, and fur. We study a huge variety of diseases – infectious, environmental, toxic, and neoplastic etc.
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