Rizwana Sultan

DVM, M.Phil, Ph.D Pathology (UVAS)
Assistant Professor
Mobile: +923214661343
Email: rizwanasultan@cuvas.edu.pk


Dr. Rizwana Sultan, is Assistant Professor (BPS-19) in the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (CUVAS), Bahawalpur–Pakistan. She has completed her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) in 2012 and M. Phil Pathology in 2014 from University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. Dr. Rizwana Sultan has earned her Ph.D in Pathology in 2020 from Department of Pathology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, with distinction funded by EWABO Chemikalien GmbH (Germany) / VETMED® (Pakistan). In her Doctorate studies, she was engaged in international funded project entitled as “Study on impact of essential oil blend on Performance, Pathological observations and immune response of broiler chickens during experimentally induced coccidiosis” in collaboration with EWABO Chemikalien GmbH (Germany) / VETMED® (Pakistan) & University Diagnostic Lab. (UDL), University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore Pakistan. She has worked on “Effect of mentofin on serum biochemistry and antibody response of broiler to avian influenza H9N2”. She was also engaged in the project “Evaluation of Aldecoc against amelioration of farm surface contamination by Eimeria Oocysts leading to enhanced coccidiostat efficacy by Ewabo essential oils in broilers” by funding Agency, Ewabo Chemikalien GmbH (Germany). Dr. Rizwana Sultan has presented 6 scientific research articles in national/international conferences and international symposium on essential oils (Thailand). Her research interest areas are Histopathology of morbid tissues and Biopsy by using conventional methods and Molecular diagnosis of diseases. She published 3 research articles in Ph.D. research in good impact factor journals.

Areas of Interest: 

  • Poultry Pathology
  • Histopathology
  • Post-mortem of poultry
  • Infectious and non-infectious diseases of Poultry


Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Oral Presentations:


One day International Veterinary Conference on Small Animals and Birds held on 5th November, 2023 organized by East Windsor Animal Hospital New Jersey United States Of America


One day Conference on INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY (CUVAS 2024) March 08 2024 Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur


4th International workshop on "Pathology of Animal Diseases" Held on 6th-8th March, 2023 Organized by Department of Pathology, UVAS in Collaboration with Davis Thompson Foundation, USA.


Two Day Workshop on Hands on Training on Remote Sensing with Open Source Software October 19-20-2022 Organized by MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan


Two Days workshop on“ Women in Leadership and Management” HEC Regional Center Lahore August 15-16, 2022


Two Days International Workshop on “Ruminant Diseases including wild Ruminants” Organized by Department of Pathology, UVAS-Lahore in Collaboration with Davis Thompson Foundation, USA. March 21-23, 2022.


Three Days International Workshop on “Pathology of Avian Diseases” Organized by Department of Pathology, UVAS- Lahore in Collaboration with CL Davis and SW Thompson DVM Foundation. November 13-15, 2018.


Three days National Workshop on “Recent Advances in Necropsy Practice in Livestock and Poultry and its Vetrolegal Implications”. Organized by Department of Pathology, UVAS- Lahore. February 25-27, 2015.


One Day workshop on “Use of EndNote” Organized by Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC), UVAS-Lahore. April 2, 2014.



One Day Hands on Training Workshop “Biorisk Management is Biological Labs” December 20th, 2019 Department of Microbiology Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur in Collaboration with Pakistan Biological Safety Association (PBSA) Punjab Chapter



Two Day Workshop on In- Service Competency Enhancement Training for University Faculty25th-26th April,2019 Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur in Collaboration with Center for Educational
Policy and Administration, UVAS


One day hands-on training workshop on Application of Satistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) in Researc23rd April,2019 Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur


One day hands-on training workshop on Application of Satistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) in Researc23rd April,2019 Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur


Two Day Workshop on Hands on Training on Remote Sensing with Open Source Software October 19-20-2022 Organized by MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan


One Day International Symposium On Zoonotic Diseases of Camel November 7,2019


One Day Training Course on “Clinico-Pathological Investigation of Field Diseases. Organized by Department of Pathology, UVAS-Lahore. April 3, 2014



One Day International Seminar on Infectious Bursal Disease and Avian Influenza. Organized by Department of Pathology, UVAS-Lahore. September 26, 2018. Contributed in Five Days Hands-on-Training on “Histopathology”. Organized by Department of Pathology, UVAS-Lahore. June 12-16, 2017.


Government College University Faisalabad


Rizwana Sultan, Asim Aslam. Effect of Mentofin on Serum Biochemistry and Antibody Response of Broiler to H9N2 Avian Influenza. International symposium on essential oils. March 8-9, 2015. Thailand.


Journal Articles:



Sultan, Rizwana, Asim Aslam, Gulbeena Saleem, Ahsan Anjum, Werner Krull, Taha Kumosani, and Elie K. Barbour. "Studies on Performance, Immunity, and Safety of Broilers Vaccinated with Killed H9N2 Vaccine and Supplemented with Essential Oils of Mentofin® in Drinking Water." International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine 15, no. 2 (2017).


Kumosani, T., Y. Obeid, H. Shaib, K. Abualnaja, S. S. Moselhy, A. Iyer, R. Sultan, A. Aslam, A. Anjum, and E.
Barbour. "Standardization of a protocol for quantitative evaluation of anti-aerosolized influenza virus activity by vapors of a chemically-characterized essential oil blend." J Prev Infect Cntrol 3, no. 2 (2017): 6.


Sultan, Rizwana, Asim Aslam, Muhammad Yasin Tipu, Habib Ur Rehman, Saba Usman, Ahsan Anjum, Muhammad Saeed Imran, Muhammad Usman, and Muhammad Zahid Iqbal. "Pathology and molecular characterizationof Eimeria tenella isolated from clinically infected broiler chickens in district Lahore, Pakistan." (2021): 47-55.


Anjum, Ahsan, Asim Aslam, Raheela Akhtar, Tahir Yaqub, Rizwana Sultan, Saba Usman, Aneela Zameer Durrani, and Muhammad Usman. "Molecular detection and pathological investigation of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in selected districts of Punjab, Pakistan." Pakistan Journal of Zoology 52, no. 2 (2020): 797.


Sultan, Rizwana, Asim Aslam, Muhammad Yasin Tipu, Habib Ur Rehman, Ahsan Anjum, Werner Krull, Taha Kumosani, Houssam Shaib, and Elie K. Barbour. "Appraisal of a new patented method for control of chicken
coccidiosis." Journal of Applied Animal Research 47, no. 1 (2019): 573-581.


Chen, Peng, Warda Yawar, Ayesha Rida Farooqui, Saqib Ali, Nida Lathiya, Zeeshan Ghous, Rizwana Sultan et al. "Transcriptomics data integration and analysis to uncover hallmark genes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy." American Journal of Translational Research 16, no. 2 (2024): 637.


Hu, Hanjie, Muhammad Umair, Sikandar Ali Khan, Aliya Irshad Sani, Sahar Iqbal, Fatima Khalid, Rizwana Sultan et al. "CDCA8, a mitosis-related gene, as a prospective pan-cancer biomarker: implications for survival prognosis and oncogenic immunology." American Journal of Translational Research 16, no. 2 (2024): 432.


Khan, Kinza, Amna Rafiq, Rizwana Sultan, Saba Sana, Ume Kalsoom Bashir, and Abdul Haseeb Khan. 2024. “Seroprevalence of Newcastle Disease Virus and Avian Influenza H9N2 in Various Districts of South Punjab, Pakistan
from 2020 to 2022.” International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 31(2): 84–88. doi:10.17957/IJAB/15.2118


Majeed, Usman, Afshan Shafi, Muhammad Shahbaz, Kashif ur Rehman Khan, Khalid Javed Iqbal, Kashif Akram, Irfan Baboo, Sultan Rizwana et al. 2023. “Assessment of Growth Inhibition of Eugenol-Loaded Nano-Emulsions against Beneficial Bifidobacterium Sp. along with Resistant Escherichia Coli Using Flow Cytometry.” Fermentation
9(2). doi:10.3390/fermentation9020140.


Rehman, Asad, Usman Majeed, Afshan Shafi, Muhammad Shahbaz, Irfan Baboo, Rizwana Sultan, Zahid Manzoor, et al. 2024. “Evaluation of Antioxidant Capacity and Bioactive Compounds in Capsicum Annum L. Red Peppers Following Drying in a Polycarbonate Greenhouse.” Eurobiotech Journal 8(1): 12–22. doi:10.2478/ebtj-2024-0002.


Khalid Mehmood, Muhammad Ali Raza, Riaz Ahmad Gul, Ali Raza, Sadaqat Ali, Prof. Abdul Qayyum, Muhammad. Zahid, Rizwana Sultan, Ebtesam M. Al Olayan, Mohamed Elshikh. Study on Hematobiochemical Alterations, Oxidative Stress and Clinico Epidemiology of Parasitic Infestation along with Therapeutic Effect of Eprinomectin in Sheep in South Punjab.Pakistan Journal of Zoology. Manuscript ID: MH20231117063624


A. Anjum, S. Usman, M. Usman, M. Shahzad, M.K. Mansoor, M.S. Imran, R. Sultan, M. Ali, I. Hussain, F. Sarwar, J. Naseer, U. Tiwana, Hafeez, M.Z. Iqbal. 2021. Pathology of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in naturally infected cattle and its diagnosis through PCR. Accepted in Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec. Manuscript ID: (ABMVZ-2021-12561)


Khan, Kinza, Rizwana Sultan, Syed Qaswar Ali Shah, Zahid Farooq, Najeeb Ur Rehman, Hafsa Munir, and Jamal Muhammad Khan. 2024. “Head and Neck Cancer Risk and Human Papillomavirus: Bradford Hill Criteria Based Evaluation.”  Journal  of  Population  Therapeutics  and  Clinical  Pharmacology  31(1):  1536–46.

          Postgraduate Supervision and Co-Supervision

Title of Supervision


M. Phil Produced as Supervisor:

03 in progress


    1. Won two projects from EWABO Chemikalein GmbH, Germeny



Administrative Services:

  1. Assistant Hall Warden CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  2. Member of Scrutinize Committee CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  3. Member of Hiring Committee to conduct interviews against the post of Care Giver (Female) for Day Care Center CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  4. Mess/ Cafeteria Committee CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan


Professional Services:

  1. Developed & Initiated (as team member) Four (04) years Bachelors Program B.S (Hons) Medical Laboratory Technology (morning & evening) at Department of Pathology, CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
  2. Developed & Initiated (as team member) M.Phil Pathology at Department of Pathology, CUVAS, Bahawalpur.
  3. BS (Hons) MLT (2021-2025) and M.Phil Pathology (2023-2025) Coordinator.
  4. Member of Advanced Studies and Research Board of CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan


  1. Member of Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council (PVMC)
  2. Member of Pakistan Society of Veterinary Pathology
  3. Lifetime Member of Pakistan Society of Parasitology, UVAS- Lahore
  4. Member of UVAS Alumni Association

        Research Projects Won as Princip Investigator (PI)




Funding Agency



Effect of Mentofin on Serum Biochemistry and Antibody Response of Broiler to H9N2 Avian Influenza


EWABO Chemikalien GmbH (Germany) / VETMED® (Pakistan)




Evaluation of Aldecoc against Amelioration of Farm Surface Contamination by Eimeria Oocysts leading to Enhanced Coccidiostat Efficacy by Ewabo Essential Oils in Broilers


EWABO Chemikalien GmbH (Germany) / VETMED® (Pakistan)
