Mr. Zaib Hassan Niazi
Education: M. Phil (Mathematics)
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Social and Allied Sciences,
Contact: +923067344793
Office Address: Academic Block No. 01, Department of Social and Allied Sciences, CUVAS, Bahawalpur.
Mr. Zaib Hassan Niazi has joined CUVAS in 2024 as lecturer of Mathematics. His academic journey began with pursuing a BS Mathematics (2014-2018) and M. Phil Mathematics (2018-2020) at Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan. He is a member of Algebra Forum, where he collaborates with fellow mathematicians to promote mathematical research and education across the country. He is committed to making meaningful contributions to the field and inspiring the next generation of mathematicians through his teaching, research, and service.
Areas of Interest
- Graph Theory
- Fuzzy Set Theory
- Group Theory
Trainings/Courses/ Workshops
- One day seminar on “Incorporating Video Based Learning For University Level Education and R&D”, organized by department of mathematics, The Women University, Multan.
- Member of Algebra Forum.
- Seminar on the Role of Mathematics in the Modern Technology World, organized by Department of Mathematics, Emerson university, Multan.
- Niazi, Z. H., Bhatti, M. A. T., Aslam, M., Qayyum, Y., Ibrahim, M., & Qayyum, A. (2022). d-Lucky Labeling of Some Special Graphs. Amer. J. Math. Anal, 10, 3-11.
Conferences attended/presented papers or posters
- Member of Organizing Committee of 1st International Conference on “Mathematics for a Sustainable Future” (ICMSF), at The Women University, Multan.