Dr. Samina Anjum

Education:     PhD Islamic Studies
The Islmia University Bahawalpur

Designation: Lecturer in Islamic Studies

Contact: 03346865414
Email samkhalid72@ yahoo.com
Office Address: Academic Block 1, Department of Social & Allied Sciences, CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan


Samina Anjum is a lecture of Islamic Studies at the Department of Social and Allied Sciences. She has done her master degree program from Islamia University Bahawalpur in 2007. She completed her M. Phil program from National College of Business Administration & Economics in 2018. She received her Ph.D degree from Islamia University of Bahawalpur in 2023. Her area of research is the Islamic Cultural Evolution and the blessed Seerah. She is a passionate and kind educator with more than seven years of experience. She served as visiting lecture at Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur & NCBA&E Bahawalpur. Dr. Samina Anjum has joined CUVAS as lecturer of Islamic Studies in the department of Social & Allied Sciences. She is highly skilled at motivating students through positive encouragement and reinforcement of concepts via interactive classroom interactions and observations. Successful in helping students develop social and learning skills.

Areas of Interest

  • Seerat un Nabi
  • Quranic Studies 
  • Islamic culture and civilization
  • Islamic Economics

Trainings/Courses/ Workshops

  1. Pedagogical Training 2022, Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  2. Research Gateway Workshop” 2020 IUB

Publications (All publications viz. with and without CUVAS affiliation)

  •  “An overview of the Quranic concept of Jahlilliyyah and various trends of the present age”

    Al-Khadim research journal of Islamic culture &civilization
    Approved by HEC in “Y” category.  Vol: 2 Issue: 3, Oct to Dec 2021, ISSN (online) 2710-0235, (print): 2710-0227

  •    “Riasat e Madina and our electric media”    Al-Azhaar. The University of Agriculture    Peshawar. Approved by HEC in “Y” category, ISSN (print): 2519-6707) published on: 25 December 2021
  • Conferences attended/presented papers or posters

    1. International seminar on “ Advantage of Hadith Science in current Social Problems” 28th Nov. 2022 IUB
    2. International workshop on “Modern Aspects of Fiqh al Hadith” 29th Nov.2022 IUB
    3. 7th International Seerah Conference IUB.
    4. Seminar on “Role of Imams and preachers in promoting international harmony” held 9n 18-19 Jan. 2022
    5. Two-day Conference entitled: “Etiquettes of Disagreement in the light of blessed seerah” held on 22 June, 2022.
    6. Seminar on  “ Research Formalities” 2021 IUB

    Presented Papers

    1. “Economic Reasons of the Climate Change” paper presented in 9th  International seerah Conference, Feb, 2023. IU
    2. “Unity of Ummah and the Role of Media” paper presented in 8th International Seerah Conference 2021. IUB

    Other Distinctions

    1. Diploma in Quranic Translation, Tajveed, Tafseer ul Quran and Hadith Dar e Arqam Academy of Islamic Education Bahawalpur
    2. Tarjuma and Tajveed ul Quran course Islamic centre of Degree College for Women Bahawalpur
    3. Certificate of Casualty Services (First Aid) District Civil Defense HQRS, Bahawalpur