Mr. Rao Basharat Ali

Education: M. Phil (Mathematics)
Ph. D Scholar at Qaid-i-Azam university Islamabad

Designation: Lecturer
Department of Social and Allied Sciences, 

Contact: +923008810357
Office Address: Academic Block No. 01, Department of Social and Allied Sciences, CUVAS, Bahawalpur.


  Mr. Rao Basharat has joined CUVAS in 2024 as lecturer of Mathematics. His academic journey began with pursuing an MSc (2016-2018) and M. Phil (2018-2020) at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Currently, He is enrolled in PhD program at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, where he is engaged in research in the field of mathematics. His focus lies in exploring innovative solutions to complex mathematical problems, with a keen interest in contributing to the advancement of pure mathematics. Beyond his academic endeavors, he is an active member of the Pakistan Mathematical Society, where he collaborates with fellow mathematicians to promote mathematical research and education across the country. Additionally, he has had the privilege of serving on the organizing committees for the International Pure Mathematics Conferences of 2023 and 2024, where he contributed to the seamless execution of these prestigious events, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among mathematicians worldwide. He is committed to making meaningful contributions to the field and inspiring the next generation of mathematicians through his teaching, research, and service.

Areas of Interest

  • Algebra
  • Group Theory
  • Left Almost Semi Groups
  • Group Actions

Trainings/Courses/ Workshops

  1. Member of Pakistan Mathematical Society (PakMs)
  2. Member of Algebra Forum,
  3. Delivered a Seminar on “Semilattice structure on LA-Semigroups” at
  4. Seminar Series, Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam university Islamabad

Conferences attended/presented papers or posters

  • Member of Organizing committee International pure mathematics conference (23rd IPMC)
  • Member of Organizing committee International pure mathematics conference (24rd IPMC).