Mr. Muhammad Kamal
Education: M.Phil English Linguistics, (IUB)
PhD (Scholar), AIOU Islamabad, Purdue University, Indiana, USA M.Ed
Designation: Lecturer in English
Contact: +923009683609
Office Address: Academic Block 1, Department of Social & Allied Sciences, CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Muhammad Kamal is a lecturer in English at the Department of Social & Allied Sciences, Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CUVAS, Bahawalpur. He has vast experience of teaching linguistics as well as literature. He earned his master degree in linguistics and literature from the National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad (2008-2010). He received his M.Phil degree in English Linguistics from The Islamia University Bahawalpur in 2014.He completed his Master in Education in 2016 from Government College University Faisalabad. Currently, he is doing his PhD from Allama Iqbal Open University and his area of research is Phonetics & Phonology. During his PhD he won the HEC scholarship IRSIP and availed research fellowship for Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. He attended the phonetic lab there for his data analysis. He also completed the workshop regarding Language Learning Toolbox at Purdue University, USA. He supervised more than 80 BS English students for their final research project. He also supervised 7 M.A TEFL students from AIOU. He has been appointed as Master Trainer for the training of Government school teacher for Single National Curriculum (SNC). He is a member of Pak-TESOL and TESOL international. In 2024, Mr. Kamal has joined CUVAS as lecturer in English in the department of Social & Allied Sciences.
Areas of Interest
- Applied Linguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Corpus Linguistics.
Trainings/Courses/ Workshops
- Attended PDS&CEA Teachers Training 2016 held at Punjab Daanish School Mianwali from 25 July 2016 to 04 August 2016.
- Attended International Workshop on Language Documentation on 27-30 June, 2022 at Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad.
- Attended Pre Conference International Workshop on Academic writing on 21-23 September, 2022 at Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad.
- Participated in Pak-TESOL workshop held in GSCWU Bahawalpur in February 2022.
- Participated in Pak-TESOL workshop held in AIOU Islamabad in February 2022.
- Attended 1st Pedagogical Training 2022 in July-August 2022 at The department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
- Attended workshop at Purdue Language and Cultural Exchange (PLaCE) about Language learning Toolbox in 2024 at Heavilon Hall Room B-11, Purdue University, USA.
- Ethnic language blessing or curse while teaching ESL at secondary level, A study of English teacher’s attitude towards ethnic languages.
Source: (Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores . Sep2019, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p1-20. 20p.)
Awards or Distinctions
- He has been awarded HEC scholarship (IRSIP) during his PhD as fellow researcher to attend Purdue University, Indiana, USA.
Conferences attended/presented papers or posters
International Conferences:
- Attended 1st International Conference On Linguistics & Language Teaching on Nov 25-27, 2013 (The Islamia University Bahawalpur).
- Attended 1st Pak-TESOL International Conference on Emerging Trends in English 21-23 September, 2022 at Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad.
- Attended First International Conference on Linguistics and Multidisciplinary Research: Exploring Challenges and Expanding Horizons ICMLR 18-20 October 2022 at The Women University Multan.
- Attended the TESOL 2024 International Convention & Expo from 21-23 March at Tampa, Florida, USA.
Other Distinctions
- He Worked as Master Trainer English with Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED) Punjab in 2021 for Single National Curriculum (SNC) an initiative by Government of Pakistan.
- He supervised 80 BS Students for their BS English final semester Thesis/Research Project.
- He supervised M.A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Thesis as a principal supervisor.
Thesis Topics
- “Analyzing ELT Methods in Public Schools of District Kasur”.
- “Effectiveness of written corrective feedback at the Primary Level in Learning the English Language”.
- The A.J.K EFL Students’ and Teachers’ Perception of Using L1 (Urdu/Pahari) in General English Classes