Dr. Khawaja Saif Ur Rehman
Ph.D (IUB)
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Social and Allied Sciences
Department of Social & Allied Sciences
Contact: +923066326052
Email:saifurrehman@cuvas.edu.pk, khawaja.saifurrehman@gmail.com
Office Address: Academic Block No. 01, Department of Social and Allied Sciences, CUVAS, Bahawalpur.
Dr.Khawaja Saif Ur Rehman has joined CUVAS in 2024 as lecturer of Islamic Studies. His academic journey began with pursuing an M.A Islamic Studies(2003-2005) at Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan and M.Phil IslamicStudies (2013-2015), Ph.D Islamic Studies(2016-2020) at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.He has served as Lecturer/Subject Specialist at workers welfare school and college Multan for 7 years .
He is committed to promote Islamic research and education across the country. He is committed to making meaningful contributions to the field and inspiring the next generation of the humanbeing through his teaching, research, and service.
Areas of Interest
- Tafseer ul Quran
- Hadith
- Fiqh
- Methodology of Interpretation Fahmul Quran, Journal :Jihatul Islam (Jan-Jun 2020) Page#201- 215 (Volume:13,issue:2)
- Methodology of Mulana Syed Shams- ul-Haq Afghani's Tafseer '' Duroos ul Quran Al Hakim'' , Journal:Epistemology (2020) Page#16-27 (V:7,no:3)
- A comparative Study of Contemporary issues between the two interpretations (Tibyan ul Furqan by Ludhyanvi and Fahmul Quran by Mian Muhammad Jameel ), Journal Al-Aijaz (Jan-June 2020) ,Page#40-60(V:4.No:1)
- Modern Challenges in the light of Interpretation Tibyan ul Furqan by Ludhyanvi, Jornal Al-Aijaz (July-Dec.2020),Page#78-96 (V:4,No:2)
- Methodology of Tafseer Tibyan ul Furqan by Ludhyanvi An Objective Study , Journal :Albasirah (July- Dec. 2020),Page#31-48 (V:9,No:2)
- The Importance and need of Guardianship in Islam in contemporary time , Journal:Rahat –ul-Quloob (Jan- Jun 2021) Page#110-120 (V:5.No:1)
- Contemporary Social Issues and Urdu Tafseer :A Study of Mawlana Abdul Majeed Ludhianvi 's ''Tibyan al –Furqan ,Journal Alqamar volume :3 issue:2(July-December 2020)'Page #183-192
- A comparative study of the selected chapter (Kitab Al Janaiz) of Inam –Albari and Nimatul-Albari ,journal : Jihat –ul-Islam vol:14,Issue:2,January- June 2021,Page#47-69
- Contemporary issues in the Light of The Interpretation Fahmul Quran ,Journal:Habibia Islamicus (The international journal of Arabic &Islamic Research) Vol.5,Issue.2(2021) page# 160-174
- A Research Based Study on Selected Current Issues in the Context of Interpretation Anwar ul Bayan fi Kashf e Asrar Al Quran ,journal:International research journal on islamic studies ) vol.4 issue.1, Jan-June 2022 Page:220-233
- Family ,Relation ,and Islamic teachings:An Overview on Research based ,journal:Al-Qawarir –vol:03,Issue:01 Oct-Dec 2021,Page#129-146