Dr.Humera Hayat
Education: PhD Statistics, BZU Multan
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Social & Allied Sciences
Contact: +923087785437
Email humerahayat@cuvas.edu.pk
Office Address: Academic Block 1, Department of Social & Allied Sciences, CUVAS, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
Humera Hayat is a lecturer of Statistics at the Department of Social & Allied Sciences. She has vast experience of teaching statistics as well as data analysis. She has earned her master degree in Statistics from The Islamia University Bahawalpur (2004-2006). She received his M.Phil degree in Statistics from Bahauddin Zakaria University Multan in 2011. She has completed her Ph.D in Statistics in 2022 from Bahauddin Zakaria University Multan. Her area of research is Response Surface Methodology. She help more than 20 M.Phill and Ph.D students of different disciplin in data analysis and their final research project. She worked for one year as data analyst in Department of Fisheries under NIP program. She also worked as visiting lecturer in Statistics in BZU Multan, ISP Multan, GC University Faisalabad and GCW University Faisalabad from 2010 to 2024. Ms. Humera has joined CUVAS as lecturer of Statistics in the department of Social & Allied Sciences.
Areas of Interest
Design and Analysis of Experiments, Response Surface Methodology
Trainings/Courses/ Workshops
- Attended workshop held at Nishtar Medical College Multan 25 July 2014 on data Analysis.
- Attended International Workshop on Planning and Development from UNICEF on 27 June, 2015 at Multan Arts Council.
- Attended workshop on data Analysis on SPSS held at GC University Multan on 21 September, 2019
- Attend workshop on the application of Python held in BZU Multan in February 2023.
Humera Hayat, Atif Akbar, Tanvir Ahmad, Sajjad Haider Bhatti & Muhammad Imdad“Robustness to missing observation and optimalities of response surface designs with regular and complex structure”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation Source: (Communication in Statistics, Simulation and computation. Sep2023, Vol 52, Issue 11, p13-30.)