Miss Aisha Kabir
Education: Mphil in Applied Linguistics
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Social and Allied Sciences
Contact: 062-9255740
Email aishakabir@cuvas.edu.pk
Office Address: Academic Block No. 01, Department of Social and Allied Sciences, CUVAS, Bahawalpur.
Miss Aisha Kabir earned her masters in English Literature degree from the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Her Mphill is in the field of Applied Linguistics from the same university. She has more than 14 years of teaching experience.
Areas of Interest
Sociolinguistics and language variation specifically variations in accent. Syntax and morphology
Conferences attended/presented papers or posters
- Attended 1st International Conference on linguistics and literature ICOLL 2016 held at Islamia University Bahawalpur.
- Attended 2nd International conference on linguistics and literature ICOLL 2017 held at IUB.