Department of Food Sciences


The Department of Food Sciences was established in 2018 at Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (CUVAS), Bahawalpur. Keeping in view the current scenario of the world and our own country for food safety and food security, the department aims to produce well trained human resource for the emerging needs of the food industry. The major focus of the department is utilization of basic principles of food science and technology for processing and preservation of food commodities to meet the challenges of massive population and fastest growing food industry in the country. South Punjab is the hub for agricultural produce and many food industries are also being installed here to enhance the quality of food products and there is a great demand of food technology graduates to cope the needs of the area in terms of industry and academia. The present faculty is practically involved in the capacity building of the students through effective teaching and training programs. Malnutrition and unavailability of safe food are the major issues of the South Punjab community. These issues have been taken up as challenge by the department and it started taking initiatives to cater the society through public awareness and developing new food products. In this perspective, the department is aiming to provide all possible facilities in collaboration with different food industries and other neighboring institutes to train the graduates with skills and futuristic vision. The major areas of research are mentioned below:

  • Food Technology
  • Food Microbiology and Biotechnology 
  • Food Safety and Quality Assurance
  • Development of new innovative food products using indigenous sources
  • Role of Fruits and vegetables bioactive moieties on human health


The vision of our department is to produce well educated and trained/skilled food scientists and technologists for the food industry capable of achieving food security, safety, quality, and nutrition.


  • To produce well educated and trained graduates, in order to start their careers at the food industry, academia, or research centres as well as with an entrepreneurial insight.
  • To produce graduates who can deliver emphatically in education and research, with a sense of dedication, motivation and hard work so that they are able to maintain and uplift the standard of life/Agricultural Sciences in the country.


The degree programs will enable the students to professionally excel in the Food Science and Technology field through meeting today’s market requirements. The students after graduation are able to demonstrate their expertise in multiple fields which include:

  • Food processing industries involved in processing, product development, safety and quality assurance of processed food products
  • Food Safety officer in Punjab Food Authority in different districts of Punjab
  • The graduates are able to initiate their own business in food sector to promote entrepreneurship
  • Researchers in research organizations like Ayub Agriculture Research Institute (AARI), Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR), Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) to conduct research in Food Science and Technology with special reference to food processing, product development and safety of processed foods
  • Food Scientist and Technologist in teaching organizations like universities & colleges
  • Food scientist and technologist in the United Nation programs like World Food Program, etc.


  • Development of quality and competitive human resource to cater modern challenges in Food Science and Technology
  • To make the students able to identify the problems related to the farmers and industrialists
  • To inculcate the students with sense of ownership, devotion and hard work to uplift the economy of the country and prosperity of the community


Department of Food Sciences comprises of following permanent faculty members.
Dr. Kashif Akram, Associate Professor/Chairman
Dr. Tahir Mahmood Qureshi, Assistant Professor
Dr. Hamid Majeed, Assistant Professor
Dr. Sheraz Ahmed, Assistant Professor
Dr. Afshan Shafi, Assistant Professor


Degree Programs

Following undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs are being carried out by the Department of Food Sciences.

  • BS Food Science & Technology
  • BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics

M.Phil Food Science & Technology
PhD Food Science & Technology

Session 2020-22: 19 M.Phil. students
Session 2021-23: 21 M.Phil. students
Session 2022-24: 18 M.Phil. students
Session 2023-25: 20 M.Phil. students


Ongoing projects

  • 2022-2024: Essential oil nanoemulsion dip coatings on fruits (Kinnow) to increase their market availability (Shelf life) for economic boost”(PSF/CRP/TH/4/CFP/430) Pakistan Science Foundation (4.745 M)
  • Production of gelatin from halal source: plants funded by ALP, PARC (Rs. 3.13 million)


Consultancy/advisory services
Consultancy/advisory services are rendered to farmers/dairy farmers

List of significant publications of each faculty members are given in faculty members data.

Book chapters
Detail of book chapters is given in each faculty member data.


  • Nutrition Awareness Camp organized by the Department of Food Sciences, Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur, March 6, 2024.
  • Seminar on Halal Foods: Current Scenario and Future Prospects for Pakistan, organized by Department of Food Sciences, Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur, Feb 10-11, 2023.


  • Attended “One day seminar on Food Security and Livestock” at CUVAS, 1st December, 2022.
  • Attended “One day seminar on Ethical and Social aspects of Seeratun Nabi (PBUH)” at CUVAS, 23rd November, 2022.


Session Spring 2019: 47 No
Session Fall 2019: 60 No
Self Employed (Free lancing) – 20 No
Foreign Scholarships - 05
Jobs – 20 No
M.Phil studies (UAF, NUST, BZU, IUB, QAU and CUVAS) – 45 No
Own Food Business – 06 No


84 scholarships are awarded to BS students of Food Science & Technology. Detail is given below. 
Session 2019 - Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program (EUSP) – 38 students
Session 2019 - Bait-ul-Maal - 02 students
Session Fall 2020 - Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program (EUSP) – 42 students
Session Fall 2021 - Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program (EUSP) – 02 students